Tag Archives: War on Terror.

That Should Be A Movie: Operation Pineapple Express.

The idea came to me during the dark days of August 2021 when reports of the heroic efforts of retired service members helping their Afghan allies escape shined like a bright light of hope.

My unique approach would be the clashing juxtaposition of retired service members in peaceful and prosperous America as they use modern technology to help their allies in tumultuous Afghanistan escape the Dark Age beliefs and behavior of the Taliban and ISIS-K.

That Should Be A Movie: Into The Fire by Dakota Meyer

Short Pitch
It’s called Into The Fire.
It is in the vein of Lone Survivor.
It is like Eye In The Sky meets 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi.
It follows a young grunt eager to see combat named Corporal Dakota Meyer.
And professional veteran advisor Captain William Swenson.
As they battle to win hearts and minds and save their comrades as they battle the Taliban in the mountains of Afghanistan.
Problems arise when local villages began taking sides with the Taliban and high command refuse to give Meyer and Swenson the reinforcements and artillery support needed when they are trapped in a valley of crossfire.
Together they will defy their commanders and drive the Taliban from the valley.